Disclaimer: I only recommend products and services I genuinely love and believe are healthy based on all my science knowledge. I may receive commissions from purchases made through special links in this post.
Fermented Cabbage and Beets Georgian Style
If you are new to fermentation and looking for an easy and quick recipe of fermented cabbage then this is the one. This cabbage is unbelievably yummy and offers extra benefits due to the beets and a beet kvass as a bonus which cannot be wasted. I have shared before my...
Gluten free, dairy free crepes with prebiotics
These crepes (or "bliny" how I grew up calling them) are the best I have ever tried. I found the original recipe on a blog Prepare & Nourish and modified it a little bit to my needs. The great thing about this recipe is that if you are sensitive to gluten it is...
Kimchi: its probiotic benefits and the recipe
Kimchi is one of the oldest fermented foods and it is the major fermented food in Korea. Kimchi is mentioned in ancient Korean book “Samkuksaki,” published in 1145 A.D. It is made from a chines cabbage (latin name is Brassica rapa L. spp. pekinensis) and radish as...
Make Your Own Milk Kefir in the Comfort of Your Home
Milk Kefir – is a fermented dairy drink filled with loads of good bacteria and their products, that were created during fermentation. It originated roughly 2,000 years ago in the Caucasian Mountains between Europe and Russia, which makes kefir one of the oldest milk...
Home-Made Strawberry Basil Kombucha
Kombucha – is a fermented drink filled with loads of good probiotic bacteria, that can help your digestion, boost immune system and confir many other beneficial health benefits. The popularity of this trendy drink is growing rapidly but it’s quite pricy. Why pay $3 to...
Fermented White and Red Cabbage Old Fashioned Way
If you are looking for a simple and straight forward sauerkraut recipe then look no further! This is a very simple old fashioned way fermented sauerkraut, which will provide you with more types of fiber, more polyphenols, live bacteria and more of all kinds of good...
Microbiota Boosting Prebiotic Coffee
What are prebiotics and why should we consume them? Prebiotic is a food ingredient that enhances the growth of beneficial bacteria and contributes to our health. Historically different types of oligosaccharides were considered to be prebiotics. Mother nature designed...
The Recipe and Benefits of Beet Kvass
So what in the world is beet kvass? The word kvass – originates from a Russian word "квасить [kvasit']", which means "to ferment". So it is literally a fermented drink filled with loads of good bacteria called probiotics, numerous digestive enzymes derived from these...
The Best Sauerkraut (Fermented Cabbage) in 30 day Kombucha Tea
There are other ways to improve your gut health and populate it with good bacteria through eating and drinking fermented foods such as kombucha (fermented tea), pickled cucumbers, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) and many others. Fermentation (sometimes called...