Disclaimer: I only recommend products and services I genuinely love and believe are healthy based on all my science knowledge. I may receive commissions from purchases made through special links in this post.
Gut microbiota and its link to autism spectrum disorder
April is Autism awareness month so I had to write about what science has to show in the field of microbiota related to this disorder. Everything is relative in this world. Until recent advances in the field of human microbiome we thought that we are just humans. It...
VSL#3 has been Rebranded into Visbiome
One of the most well researched probiotics known under name VSL#3 is not being produced in the USA anymore. According to the inventor of this formulation, Professor Claudio de Simone, exactly the same formulation as the former and original VSL#3 now is being sold...
Helicobacter pylori and Probiotics
What is Helicobacter pylori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram-negative bacterium with spiral shape. It has the unique ability to colonize the human mucosa in the stomach. Due to it's particular properties it is capable of infecting more than half of the...
Oral Health, Microbiome and Probiotics
Probiotics and Oral Health There are trillions of bacteria living in and on us. There are more bacterial cells than human cell in our body. And although the majority of them reside in our guts some microbes also live on our skin, nose, ears and mouth. It’s equally...
Gluten and the Microbiota
Recently, we have been hearing a lot about gluten-related disorders. More and more people in my circle of friends and family have some sort of gluten intolerance. In fact 5% of population has some sort of gluten-related health problem. We see a lot of gluten free...
Five Things You Need to Know About Triclosan and Our Microbiome
As a microbiologist and a health advocate I am so glad that FDA finally addmitted that not only there is not enough evidence that antibacterial soap works better than regular soap and water but that it actually can cause health concerns and may not be that safe to use...
Five effective probiotics that will help you with antibiotic associated diarrhea
Most of us at some point in our lives had to have some sort of antibiotics. Statistically, each of us receives 10-20 antibiotic treatments by age of 18. That’s the average number and very often it’s actually more than that. Before the era of antibiotics the average...
Tips for Choosing the Right Probiotic
There is growing interest in probiotics and there is growing number of probiotic products on the shelves of the supermarkets. So there is no surprise that I get asked over and over again: “How to choose the best probiotic product?”. The key to a healthy microbiota is...
Probiotics vs Antibiotics or Prevention vs Treatment
What do you need to know about antibiotics? Antibiotics are antibacterial substances that are produced by other microorganisms to kill or inhibit infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. Penicillin was one of the first antibiotics produce by a particular type of mold...
Honey Promotes Your Good Gut Bacteria
Did you know that #honey is one of the best natural #prebiotics? So it means it's good for your good gut bacteria. Here is about that and about other scientifically proven superpowers of honey. Honey is a natural substance produced by bees from #nectar. Honey...