Honey Promotes Your Good Gut Bacteria

Honey Promotes Your Good Gut Bacteria

Did you know that ‪#‎honey‬ is one of the best natural ‪#‎prebiotics‬? So it means it’s good for your good gut bacteria. Here is about that and about other scientifically proven superpowers of honey. Honey is a natural substance produced by bees from ‪#‎nectar‬....

Home-Made Strawberry Basil Kombucha

Kombucha – is a fermented drink filled with loads of good probiotic bacteria, that can help your digestion, boost immune system and confir many other beneficial health benefits. The popularity of this trendy drink is growing rapidly but it’s quite pricy. Why pay $3 to...
Breast Milk is Feeding the Microbiome

Breast Milk is Feeding the Microbiome

Is human breast milk so important or is it a myth? It appears that human breast milk is a VERY complex natural probiotic and prebiotic for infants in addition to the list of other benefits. What is so different about ‪‎human breastmilk‬ vs commonly used cow’s...